
The Book of Psalms encourages us to quench our thirst at the river of His delights; for with Him is the fountain of life (Psalm 36:8-9). We gather weekly to drink deeply from the river of His Being. It’s at this weekly gathering where our minds and hearts are refreshed with the goodness of His character, the freedom found in His boundaries, and the gracious design of His sovereign purpose.


God’s method for believers to find their full potential in Him is accomplished in the context of community. As a result, we connect as a community within FBC through our Connect Groups which intentionally pursue maturity in Christ through authentic Christian relationships. Additionally, we encourage and purposefully pursue opportunities to connect with our local community through outreach and volunteering.


Our satisfaction in His fountain leads us to become springs of blessing (see John 4:14; 7:38). As a result, we gladly offer up our time, talents, and treasure for the flourishing of His Kingdom. Our hope in contributing through these areas is to see our joy in Him replicated throughout the Quad City Area and around the globe. This global mindedness can be seen in our annual budget which devotes over twenty percent to mission-works beyond us.