"We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and His might, and the wonders that He has done."

                                                                      Psalm 78: 4

First Kids | Nursery
Birth-2 Years Old | 9:30a | 10:45a

The FBC Kids Nursery is for kids ages birth to 2 years old. Prior to entering the nursery area you will be greeted at by our check-in staff who will help you get your family checked into the ministry and then you can bring your child to the nursery area where our nursery staff will be waiting.

First Kids | Sunday Classes
Sundays | 9:30a | 3 Years Old - 6th Grade

During FBC Kid's Sunday Classes we mesh the teaching of Scripture with engaging activities for kids. It is our time where we really dig deep into God's Word by introducing theology and apologetics as we equip resilient disciples in Jesus

First Kids | Kid's Church
Sundays |10:45a | 3 Years Old to 2nd Grade

During Kid's Church we are diving into a chronological study of Scripture with fun and engaging activities. Kids start out in the worship service with their family and then leave right before the sermon where they will be greeted by our FBC Kids Staff. There are cards in the pew for you to fill out before bringing them to meet their teachers in the foyer.